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Kinderdagverblijf Kindergarden Den Haag Alexanderstraat - Den Haag

Alexanderstraat 26 28, 2514 JM, Den Haag


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Alles over Kinderdagverblijf Kindergarden Den Haag Alexanderstraat - Den Haag

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Beoordelingen Kinderdagverblijf Kindergarden Den Haag Alexanderstraat - Den Haag
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We zijn nog steeds erg tevreden met onze keuze voor Kindergarden. Het is een supermooie en nette omgeving, die veel flexibiliteit aanbiedt en attentvol rekening houdt met de wensen van de ouders. Bovendien zijn de juffies top!! Ook zijn we erg te spreken over de warme maaltijden.


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Kindergarden werkt met horizontale, dus de kinderen komen in een groep terecht met eigen leeftijdsgenoten. Dat vin ik erg fijn. Daarnaast gaan ze echt met de tijd mee, zoals bijvoorbeeld de ouderportaal app, waardoor ik de hele dag foto's en informatie over bijvoorbeeld eten en slapen. Dat is echt super!


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Atmosphere is very nice, calm. Hot lunch is a very important asset very few daycares offer. Hygiene is very good. Teacher inform very completely about the day, unlike in my daughter previous daycare. It's a world of difference if we compare with our previous experience. When we decided to change we also visited 3 other daycares with warm lunch before choosing Kindergarden, and that was also an easy decision as Kindergarden had a lot more to offer.


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Het gebruik van duurzame en biologische producten, de aandacht voor het individuele kind, ze zijn zeer tegemoet komend naar ons als ouders en onze wensen en behoeften


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We are sorry to have sent our kid to this daycare. The daycare expects that kids behave in the same way after a few weeks. If they do not do so, neither the caretakers (at least the ones we had) nor the manager have any idea what to do. To make it even worse, they blame the child about it (we are talking about 2 year old kids...). After 2 months in the daycare, our child was still crying and asking the attention of the caretakers. The caretakers considered the latter as a problem and they tried to take distance from the child. They did more so, when the child showed some signs of adapting to the environment. The result was that our child felt more and more uneasy in the daycare. To make things worse, the caretakers and the manager were systematically giving us misleading information for months. They were saying that although not very well, the kid is doing better and better. At some point they invited us for a meeting where they put the blame on the child for not adapting in the daycare and they even blamed her for disturbing the group (because of crying...). For some weeks before this, they had started to refuse to give us extra days with the excuse of no availability. Suddenly, they revealed us that this was just a lie. They were not giving us extra days because they considered our 2-year old a disturbance to the group. Conclusion: if you just want a fancy daycare with nice facilities but you don't care much about the abilities and the knowledge of the caretakers and the manager, that's your place. If you are looking for a place where you can trust that your child is with people that know what they are doing also in situations that do not fit to their expectations, then you'd better stay away from this daycare.


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